I love teaching other therapists.
Let me introduce Sally Pearce. Sally found me in the summer of 2014 at the LCSP Register annual general meeting.
Sally sat herself next to me and asked if she could come along to my workshops. I answered. Of course! I was curious to know why she wanted to come, so I inquired. Sally’s answer was special.
“I know you’ll be able enable me to become the therapist I want to be. I know you will teach me my anatomy of physiology, the parts I don’t already know, and help me inform my treatment plans. I want to know a gentler approach of how to reach people. So that they will feel safe. And I want to develop as a person through my hands on treatment. I think that you will teach me to see the whole body, the whole person.”
Sally went on to become a Hendrickson Method practitioner. Her never ending curious mind is pure joy to be around, and her commitment to help those with long term pain takes my breath away.
The work Sally has done on herself has been courageous! She has devoloped embracing softness through her own body.
I’m also amazed by her reflection on herself as a therapist. When I ask what’s driving your treatment, is it coming from your ego? How desperate are you feeling to be successful? And what can lead to over treating? I see in her eyes, Sally takes this on board, reflects, asks more questions. Then I see in class how soft and deep her hands are becoming, losing all nervousness, shining her unique Sally brightness.
Thank you Sue,
It’s all down to your knowledge, welcome, laughter but most of all your enthusiasm for your subject which you just want to share; it’s so infectious that curiosity – just makes you want to learn.